2013년 8월 20일 화요일


28/07/2013 12.30.43
Japan is in ferment, especially in the field of photography, movie, comics but above all fashion. Eastern culture is spreading worldwide and the results are particularly tangible in the fashion system. A completely different world from the Western one, made of new unique, minimalist and fascinating materials and shapes that finally stopped the old stereotypes: Japan – Geisha – Kimono. Japanese creative talents have always been great “revolutionaries”; among the firsts who made a real impression on the fashion world back in the 70s  we find Kenzo and Issey Miyake. In the 80s Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto shook the fashion industry introducing inventive shapes, fabrics and lines, making a big “structural” impact on contemporary fashion. Nowadays Japan continues to crank out new talents that, as for their predecessors, are often a discussed topic between supporters and opponents; their creations indeed are works of art that can be worn, made of a mixture between romanticism and contemporary, and can be so unexpected and original that sometimes it is difficult to understand them.

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